by Sam Faddis at AND Magazine
Take a look at the national security apparatus of the Biden administration, and you will be struck by one thing. There is not a man or woman among Joe’s appointees who has ever been in a fight. Joe himself spent his life as a politician and a shill for the credit card industry. His appointees are all academics, Democratic Party hacks, and Chinese Communist Party puppets.
These self-appointed elitists have no idea what it is like to be punched in the mouth or hear a shot fired in anger. Their idea of combat is watching the video of a missile hitting a target half a world away. War and conflict are the province of the underclasses, the poor kids, and the guys who actually still believe in this country and the principles for which it stands.
So, one presumes that the news that the Russians just hacked a bunch of our major airports came as quite a shock to our “leaders.” When they were coming up with the idea of blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines and pumping endless supplies of weapons and munitions to Ukraine it probably never entered their minds to consider that ‘Vlad might hit back’.
Monday morning a number of America’s most important airports were targeted for cyber attacks by individuals within Russia. Fortunately, only the websites for the airports were hit. The systems which handle air traffic control, internal airline communications, coordination, and transportation security were not affected.
This time.
“It’s an inconvenience,”…
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