by Clandestine at Clandestine’s Newsletter
Today, the UN held a Consultative meeting between the State Parties to the Convention of the Prohibition of Biological Toxins and Weapons (BWTC), under Article V. Keep in mind this is the first time in history Article V has been utilized.

A joint statement was delivered by Russia, China, Belarus, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Venezuela, and Syria; pertaining to the unresolved US biological laboratories in Ukraine.1
Essentially, these countries are pointing out that the UN Security Counsel have done nothing to resolve this pressing matter, and are demanding the UN Security Counsel do their job. See passage below.
“We have to conclude that the questions as to the military biological activities conducted by the United States in the context of the functioning of biological laboratories on the Ukrainian territory still remain unresolved. We have not received exhaustive explanations that could completely allay the doubts concerning the said activities and thus straighten out the situation that had prompted the Russian side to convene the Consultative meeting under BTWC Article V. This is regrettable.”
Now, your first reaction might be, “the UN is corrupt! This is pointless!”. And you would be partially correct.
However, the joint statement addresses this as well. Stating that the UN need to enact Article VI, which would be a cooperative formal investigation into alleged biological malfeasance by the Security Counsel, which is what we want:…
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