by Matt Ehret at The Canadian Patriot
The purpose of the conference which was first convened in 2020, was to chart out the most cutting edge ideas needed to reform every aspect of Russian life, touching on cultural, economic, scientific and democratic processes.
Since the Russian President’s remarks took direct aim at the underlying flaws in the western unipolar system and succinctly identified the only possible solution to said self-annihilation, The Canadian Patriot Review has seen it fit to reproduce his remarks here in full.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin:
I would like to begin by saying that I am very happy to be with you today.
Through you, I would like to greet and thank all those who have submitted their proposals to the forum Strong Ideas for a New Time, to thank the team of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for organising the forum, and to express appreciation for the work of our regions, which have contributed to the implementation of the ideas presented at the first ASI forum, held in late 2020.
It is obvious that there is growing demand for the mechanism proposed by ASI for identifying, selecting and supporting civil projects and initiatives. As we were walking here with Svetlana Chupsheva, she said that, regrettably, an all-embracing and effective mechanism for selecting projects had not yet been created at the state level. But it is good that ASI is doing something like this. We will make increasingly broad use of this practice.
This mechanism is fully consonant with the tasks of…