by KanekoaTheGreat at Kanekoa’s Newsletter
American history is replete with examples of politicians, the corporate media, and the military-industrial complex using lies, false pretenses, and propaganda to sell war to a public that would otherwise be hesitant to send their sons and daughters off to fight on foreign soil.
President Lyndon B. Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin to justify American military intervention in Vietnam.
President George H.W. Bush used a fabricated story of Iraqi soldiers ripping babies out of incubators to start the Gulf War.
President George W. Bush lied about “weapons of mass destruction”.
From “Remember the Maine”, to the sinking of the Lusitania, to Syrian gas attacks, the last century is filled with example after example of the United States government lying to its citizens in order to justify new wars.
In all of these examples, the corporate press acted as dutiful stenographers of the military-industrial complex hypnotizing the American people with lies, deception, and propaganda.
If the old adage is true that the first causality of war is the truth then it should follow that the first battle between Russia and Ukraine was also won with lies…
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