by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Neil Oliver hits the nail on the head again. I cannot recommend watching this monologue highly enough. Eventually, when all government pressures are exhausted, the demand for mandatory vaccination only ends one way, with brute force. However, they are few and we are the many.
Those who hold power have a tenuous grip. One of the mechanisms they use to manage their control is division. They need Omicron. They need variants. They need vaxxed -vs- unvaxxed. They need left -vs- right. They need identity politics. They need class war. They need racism. They need support from Big Tech. They need to control the media.
They need compartmentalized scrap-grabbers constantly looking down; because if enough people start looking up and seeing through the division, the masses will find unity.
Those who hold tenuous power know the intelligence agencies alone will not be able to protect them from a unified people. Neil Oliver is 100% correct. They are few, we are many…
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