by Jack Bingham at LifeSite News
As the debate over parental involvement in education continues, a new UN report suggests more regulation needs to be placed on those opting to homeschool their children.
In the United Nations’ latest “Global education monitoring report” for “2021/2” titled “non-state actors in education: who chooses? who loses?” the global organization suggests that a stricter regulatory system needs to be implemented to ensure that there is uniformity in what children are taught, regardless of where or by whom they are educated.
According to the UN report, the presence of “non-state actors” in education, which refers primarily to educators in the private schooling sector but also mentions parents involved in homeschooling, promotes “inequity” and “privilege,” and therefore the solution is for governments to consolidate “all” education into a “single system.”
The UN claims that the rise in homeschooling rates is the result of “advocacy by a global conservative movement” and accuses homeschooling environments of “exacerbating gender imbalances” and negatively impacting the employment rates of “mothers but not fathers.”
Responding to these arguments, Michael Donnelly, senior counsel for the Home School Legal Defense Association, wrote in an in-depth analysis of the report that “There is something deeply flawed with an international body that views ‘workforce participation’ as the be-all and end-all of human flourishing, especially when the topic is actually the education of children.”
“Many parents who stayed home and continue to do so en masse earn something more valuable and irreplaceable — that is, respect from and time with their children,” the lawyer and homeschool advocate added.
Continuing in his analysis of the UN’s report…
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