by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
The preparations and proactive moves to establish the global cleaving are being carried out by Wall Street globalists, the World Economic Forum and the various western politicians who align with the objective. The opinion of the citizens within each nation are irrelevant to the decisions of the leaders.
Fundamentally, the big picture dynamic is to create a global network of allied nations based on one overarching principle, energy and human control through the carbon trading platform. There are multiple moving puzzle pieces, but one big dynamic. Western government leaders are cleaving the world into two economic systems.
One economic system will be based on traditional energy as the underpinning of the economy. One system will be based on renewable energy, with climate change agenda as the overarching basis for all of their economic shifts. Pressure from within traditional alliances like the G7, G20, NATO etc, will create the wedge. Terms like Build Back Better, Green New Deal, Paris Treaty Accords, and other reference points are part of this cleaving agenda.
Each nation will eventually have to make a decision about which team they will join. The entry of Finland and Sweden into the NATO alliance is only one part of this dynamic…
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