by Bernhard at Moon of Alabama
This afternoon Beirut time Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech on the occasion of Hizbullah’s Martyr’s Day.
(Rough transcript from listening to the English translation of the speech by Press TV)
—Begin of speech—
In the first part Nasrallah explains why the date for Martyr Day was chosen. It goes back to a successful attack on the Israeli occupation troops in Beirut on November 11 1982. He goes on to explain the role and importance of martyrs and their relation with god. He congratulates the families of the martyrs. He also congratulates those who sacrifice for Gaza.
Nasrallah then turns to events in Gaza.
The first issue is the attack of Israel on civilians. The second is the resistance there.
He describes the crimes of Israel against helpless civilians in full view of the world. It is relentless revenge. But there is a second aspect in the word of Israeli politicians. They say that all of this killing has a goal. One is to force the people of Gaza and people of the region to surrender. To give up on resistance because the costs are too high. The other is to make them surrender all their rights. To make them hopeless. After Gaza and the West Bank they will aim at Lebanon.
Israel is mistaken. Its aims will not be achieved.
We know that they did not achieve their aims in Lebanon in the 1982 invasion and the 2006 war despite all their killing and destruction of homes. The Lebanese peoples’ support for resistance only grew. Their choice was not to surrender but to increase their resistance.
That is also why we should resist normalization with Israel.
The Israeli brutality is increasing the resistance against it. There are also protest everywhere and it puts pressure on politicians to call for a ceasefire. This will limit the time for Israel’s operation. The U.S. administration can stop the war. It must be pushed towards that.
Today there is a summit of 57 Arab and Islamic nations. The Palestinians are not asking the summit to fight a war against Israel. They ask it to put serious pressure on the U.S. to end the aggression against them.
We must draw attention to the resistance in Gaza. They demonstrate the weakness of the Israeli forces. The Israelis have many casualties, more than they admit. The Israelis can not show any victory or even a small success.
The West Bank is critical for the resistance. It can draw Israeli troops away from other fronts.
The Yemeni army has taken a decision to attack Israel. It has great significance. It is a great moral support…
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