by Stephen Bryen at Weapons and Strategy
“Middle East Spectator,” is a pro-regime Telegram outlet based in Tehran, as all media channels based in Tehran are – by law. Last week, Middle East Spectator leaked two sensitive intelligence documents The documents originated in the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), and the information pertained to Israel’s preparation to retaliate for Iranian missile attacks.
I have not re-published the documents leaked on Telegram. Interested readers can go to the link provided above.
Middle East Spectator claims it is an independent operation in Tehran. It says it got the documents from an “informed source in the US intelligence community.” If we take this at face value, then a source in the intelligence community contacted the Spectator and shared the two documents. To further clarify, in a subsequent post Spectator says the source was in the US Defense Department.
Because “news” and information in Iran is very tightly controlled, Spectator could only publish these documents with permission from the regime.
It is extraordinarily valuable material that Iran can, and likely will, use to prepare its defenses.
One of the two leaked documents is classified above top secret. That document is headlined…
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