by Sam Faddis at AND Magazine
One of the many assurances we are given by our corporate overlords and their minions in the liberal press is that we should be more like Europe. By that they mean we should accept a social welfare nanny state and surrender our rights to our betters in the elite. The Dutch don’t seem to have gotten that memo.
About a week ago the government of the Netherlands announced it was declaring war on the nation’s farmers. In order to reduce what it considers nitrogen pollution the government has adopted a policy of drastically reducing herds, forcing many farmers out of business and cutting back on meat, pork, poultry, and dairy products for human consumption. The government wants to eliminate one-third of Holland’s 50,000 farms by 2030.
In response, all hell has broken loose.
Dutch farmers have blocked supermarkets, food distribution centers, and roads in protests this week. Supermarket shelves are bare throughout the Netherlands as food distribution has been brought to a standstill. Wednesday morning, farmers are expected to demonstrate at the Groningen Airport Elde, according to Dutch media. The farmers have been joined now by Dutch fishermen who are blockading ports in solidarity…
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