by Andrei Martyanov at Reminiscence of the Future
Once the snowball started to roll downhill… Well…
Right. As Larry noted today:
As I am on record, combined arms warfare of a scale is a very different thing from what NATO people ever encountered. There are some excellent comments at The Saker’s blog on this issue, including people who understand how Field and Combat Manuals are written, but even this important knowledge means very little when shit begins to explode around you. Not to mention the issue of other “wonderful” things related to continental warfare, like the enemy driving into your village (hamlet), disembarking and beginning to rape women, shoot children and elders and other wonderful things of this nature which Pentagon and UK people “taught” others but never experienced themselves–that is how they “teach” humanities in Ivy League and in Oxford, a bunch of former hippies explaining and describing what unicorns are.
So, when people begin to express their will to survive,…
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