by Kurt Zindulka at Breitbart News
A former advisor to President Emmanuel Macron has warned that if France continues down the same path with the green agenda, the country will likely face a “social revolt” far greater than the Yellow Vest movement or the recent bout of farmer protests.
“It’s going to end very badly,” warned David Djaïz in an interview this week with the Paris-based conservative news magazine Le Point.
The left-wing public intellectual and Emmanuel Macron’s former rapporteur for the government’s National Council for Refoundation (CNR) accused the government and political elites in France of being “content to manage the decline”.
Djaïz, an ardent believer in the need for a green transition of the economy in France and in Europe as a whole, argued that there is a “deficit of strategic thinking” in the halls of power, saying: “I saw from the inside how intellectually and operationally the state was exhausted.”
“This is going to end very badly. France could experience a huge public finance crisis, or a social revolt compared to which the Yellow Vests and the farmers are appetizers,” he warned.
Populist uprisings have been a defining feature of the government of Macron…
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