by Russian MOD at Telegra.ph
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation carries out its scheduled analytical work on the military-biological activity of the USA and its allies in various regions of the world, including Ukraine.
We have previously spoken about the experiments held by the employees of a laboratory in Merefa on the patients of a psychiatric clinic in Kharkov since 2019 to 2021. It has been noted that one of the organisers of this illegal activity was a US citizen Linda Oporto Al-Haroun.
The documents received during the special military operation have revealed that this kind of investigations has been carried out in Ukraine at least since 2011 and Al-Haroun repeatedly visited the branch of the Merefa laboratory built with funds of the Pentagon in Sorokovka, Kharkov region.
Despite the fact that this installation is provided with underground storage facilities and powerful ventilation systems, it is officially considered a company that produces food additives. At the same time, the site of the company bears clear signs of fictitiousness, while the equipment of the branch has been transported to the western regions of Ukraine under control of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU).
It confirms our concerns about the numerous violations of the international humanitarian law in Ukraine that are also defined by the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association. They include: the voluntary consent of an individual to participate in an experiment; informing about the investigation to be carried out; prevention of excessive physical and mental suffering during an experiment, as well as tortures, inhumane or degrading treatment.
According to the available information, highly active neuropeptides were tested on socially vulnerable citizens of Ukraine that caused irreversible damage to the central nervous system. This is a clear violation of the international treaties related to human rights.
We have already mentioned the role of the Scientific-Technological Centre of Ukraine (STCU) in the military-biological programme of the USA in Ukraine.
I would like to focus on the P-268 project. The National University named after Taras Shevchenko in Kiev and the Colorado State University were involved in its implementation.
Note STCU Executive Director Andrew Hood’s appeal to the U.S. Department of State to organise researches within the project. He states that ‘…more than 30% of the participants are former scientists experienced in developing weapons of mass destruction…’.
The objective of the project is to study viruses capable of infecting Aedes mosquitoes. According to the terms of reference, the viral preparation was produced by the institute in Kiev and delivered to the USA for aerobiological studies.
The interest of the American clients in mosquitoes of this species that are vectors of transmissible infections such as dengue fever, Zika and yellow fever is not accidental.
During the last major outbreak of yellow fever in Africa (in 2013), there were 170 thousand cases of the severe form of this disease, including 60 thousand that resulted in death.
Everyone remembers the smallpox virus contamination of blankets for Native Americans, the deliberate infection with the syphilis pathogen by Guatemalan citizens is less discussed while this fact has been admitted by the U.S. President Barack Obama. The use of pesticides during the Vietnam War is even less remembered, but the history of deliberate outbreaks in Cuba in the 1970s and 1980s is completely suppressed. At the same time, the use of Aedes mosquitoes as biological weapons, exactly the same ones operated by the U.S. military department, is recorded in the class action suit of Cuban citizens against the U.S. government and was submitted to the member States of the Biological Weapons Convention.
The class action notes that the 1981 dengue epidemic in Cuba that contaminated 345 thousand people and resulted in the death of 158 persons was the result of the spread of the second dengue virus serotype that had not previously been recorded in the Caribbean and had clear signs of a deliberate nature. Thus, the time of the attack (late January) was chosen in consideration of biological features of the life cycle of mosquito vectors and was optimal for the subsequent development of the epidemic process. In addition, the only place on the island where no cases have been reported was the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo due to pre-vaccination of soldiers against the dengue virus type 2.
An artificial outbreak of another viral disease, African swine fever (ASF), occurred in Cuba in 1971. During the epizootic, 500 thousand animals were eliminated and the country suffered a significant economic damage. Although no cases of ASF have been previously reported in the American continent nor in the Western Hemisphere in general, it was Cuba where the disease has appeared.
Former FBI official William Turner introduced some clarity to this issue by telling the Newsday that the CIA delivered a container of ASF agent from Fort Gulick in Panama and transferred it off the coast of Cuba to a fishing vessel. He precisely indicated the farm where this pathogen was introduced.
Since 1980 to 1982, the Cuban leadership reported numerous unusual outbreaks of viral infections of economically important crops (sugar cane and tobacco) that appeared in different regions of the country and were not related to each other.
Yet these facts are only part of the U.S. military-biological dossier, while their investigation is ignored by the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
Despite the assurances of the United States that the biological research in Ukraine is carried out exclusively in the field of civilian healthcare, there are documents that confirm the direct cooperation between the military departments of these countries.
I would like to draw attention to the Notice of Inclusion of Laboratories of the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Department of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in the Biological Threat Reduction Program. It notes that ‘…the program enables cooperation between the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence and the U.S. Department of Defence, as well as creates legal principles for its further expansion…’.
Since 2015 that was the beginning of large-scale financing of Ukrainian projects by the Pentagon, numerous cases of infectious diseases have been recorded among servicemen and residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics.
According to the report of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), ‘…in 2016, the tularaemia morbidity increased 9.5 times in comparison with 2007. There have been also noted distinctive features in the structure of morbidity, including an increase in the number of servicemen among the contaminated people…’.
Here is a list of tularemia cases in the DPR…
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