by Sam Faddis at AND Magazine
Over two hundred years ago President Thomas Jefferson established a bedrock principle of American foreign policy. We do not pay ransom to pirates. Joe Biden is apparently preparing to walk away from that principle and shame the entire nation before the world.

Reports indicate that Biden is preparing to release $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds to the Ayatollahs in exchange for the release of American hostages. He will apparently attempt to justify this shameful action by claiming that the money will be used for “humanitarian” purposes. That even this administration can manage to trot out such an obvious lie is breathtaking.

Let’s be clear.
Biden has absolutely no ability whatsoever to control what the Ayatollahs do with the money he is about to give them. Any representation that he does is a blatant falsehood. Tehran will use the money however it so desires.
It is highly unlikely that the Ayatollahs will be putting the cash toward purchasing baby formula or poverty reduction programs. They are Islamic jihadists, and they will use the money to kill Americans, kill our allies, and further their objective of establishing a worldwide Islamic caliphate…
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