by The Vigilant Fox at The Vigilant Fox
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On a Thursday night segment with Tucker Carlson, Dutch native Eva Vlaardingerbroek detailed the agenda behind the government’s proposition to slash nitrogen emissions. It’s not about climate change.
“Well, very simple, Tucker, what this is about is the Dutch government stealing our farmers’ land, and they’re doing this under the guise of the made-up nitrogen crisis. And that is basically going to put most of these farmers completely out of business.
And thankfully, the Dutch farmers aren’t having it. So they’re going out in the streets, they’re blocking distribution centers, they’ve blocked the high roads, they are fighting back! And they’re right to do so; this is their life’s work. They’re really at their wit’s end. They’re devastated by what the government is doing, and it’s very clear that the government is not doing this because of a nitrogen crisis, they’re doing this because they want these farmers’ land, and they want it to house new immigrants.
They also want it because the farmers…