by Bernhard at Moon of Alabama
In May 2018 the Ukrainian secret security service SBU faked the murder of the Russian ‘journalist’ Arkady Babchenko in Kiev for very questionable reasons. The murder had first been blamed on Russia.
The SBU claimed that by faking the murder they would uncover a real Russian murderer which made no sense.
It later turned out that the whole thing was part of a corporate raid:
The staged murder, with a fake cadaver, a fake killer and a fake operator behind it, was endorsed (video) at the highest levels of the Ukrainian government.
“Western” media used the hoax to accuse and defame Russia and its president Putin without the slightest supporting evidence. That alone is already a serious mess and reveals the utter failure of “western” journalism and media.
The background of the case, a takeover of a company by illegal means, demonstrates the total social failure of the “western” coup in Ukraine. The worst of the worst, robber barons like Poroschenko and criminal bankers like Kolomoisky went on to steal billions of “western” aid while the Ukrainian state fell apart. Defying the courts the power of the state is secretly abused for slapstick worthy plots to grab up industrial assets.
The victims are the people of Ukraine who get robbed of their means and their security. Russia, the permanent boogeyman of the “west”, is least to blame for it.
In August 2000 there was another crazy SBU plot which a month later unraveled:…
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