by Andrei Martyanov at Reminiscence of the Future
Here is the video from War Gonzo on how “brave” Azov is going to fight, while not allowing people to leave their homes and be used as a human shield.
Moreover, I reiterate, operation develops as planned and reserves haven’t been introduced yet and it is done for a reason–numerically smaller Russian and LDNR force already did what is called a strategic reconnaissance in force and in doing so demolished VSU almost entirely. I am on record, and you can and are encouraged to quote me on this–this operation will be studied in military academies around the world for many decades to come. It is something absolutely unique in scale, scope and surgical precision. Here is summary (aggregate) on VSU for March 9.
Is the United States ready to sacrifice Eastern Europe? Not out of the realm of possibilities. Poland begins to feel the heat…
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