On his first day in office Joe Biden killed off an estimated 52,100 American jobs.
That must be a record, right?
After his bizarre inaugural behind fences and 20,000 military troops, Biden hobbled to the Oval Officer were he signed several executive orders including the end of construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the end of construction of the Trump border wall.
Canceling the Keystone Pipeline costs over 11,000 construction jobs and 42,100 jobs throughout the US during the construction process according to the US State Department.
Canceling the Trump border wall will cost 10,000 jobs.
That’s a total of 52,100 jobs lost in his first 8 hours in office.
Nice work, Joe!
With the stroke of a pen, Biden has put 11,000 jobs and over $1.6 billion in wages on the chopping block. The kicker, the pipeline’s developer has pledged that the project would have zero carbon emissions…
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