by Greg Hunter at USA Watchdog
Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is a skillful financial analyst who said in May the economy was skidding. Now, Dowd predicts the economy is poised to “roll over” and soon. Why is the Fed cutting rates with a record high DOW? Maybe they see the same thing he does. Dowd explains, “Real weekly wage growth was minus 2% going into the election. It is also interesting to know that minus 2% number of wage growth was also in 1980 when Ronald Reagan won in a landslide and also in 1992 when Bill Clinton won in a landslide. . . . I have never seen such blatant manipulation of government statistics. There is government spending and government hiring to paper over what is truly a bad economy for the average man. When I was asked prior to the election who do you think will win the election, I said Trump has already won, according to the economic statistics. That’s why he won. Bobby Kennedy helped along with Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, lots of people switching and what have you. What really got Trump in was the economy, the real economy, not the stock market. It was not the ‘everything is hunky-dory’ pablum from the mainstream media. The real economy has been rolling over, and we are just waiting for the financial markets to figure this out. When they do, Trump is going to inherit a turd of a financial market crisis. Government statistics will be updated, and it will show we started a recession sometime this year. . . . The incoming Trump Administrating has to get out in front of the narrative. This was already baked into the cake. They just got handed fraudulent books. So, they are basically going to get blamed for what is coming. They have to get in front of the narrative and talk about what they were handed. They need to talk about how the stock market is not a real indicator of economic health like it was before the days of raw manipulation.”
The other big problem that Trump needs to get in front of is the CV19 bioweapon vax disaster. Dowd says,…
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