by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Excellent news. Within trade and MAGAnomics Peter Navarro serves as the counterbalance to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the influence visible with David Macintosh (Club for Growth).
President Trump announces the return of Peter Navarro in the role of Senior Advisor for Trade and Manufacturing.
Note the word “FAST,” that’s the element Navarro brings to the dynamic.
Where USTR Lighthizer was/is excellent, he was also a little cautious. Current USTR Jamieson Greer was Chief of Staff to former USTR Robert Lighthizer in term #1. Within term #2, speed in delivering the trade outcomes is paramount. We have a Marshal Plan to remove, as well as tariff priorities and the reestablishment of American manufacturing to kickstart fast.
As well as kicking sand in the face of The CoC and CfG, Navarro brings the speed part of the equation to the forefront. Perfect.
As long as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and CfG can be kept away from the critical aspects of Trade negotiations, things will get done “FAST.”
As I have noted since the assembly of the cabinet team began to surface, the economic aspect looks really good. If we focus on the outcomes of the economic policy, we will all be in a very happy place.
If you focus on the Main Justice component hoping for accountability (or arrests), or if you focus on the IC aspect hoping for some implosion of their capacity, you will likely be disappointed. Good things will happen, but they are preliminary in purpose. However, if you focus on the outcomes that will surround your everyday life, things will be super cool.
The economic forecast is much greater, much more positive than anyone can yet imagine. There are really good outcomes clearly visible and within reach.
The key to a life of purpose is to appreciate God in all things; understand that a loving God surrounds you every day and cherishes you. Do not let your heart be troubled with dark imaginings of tomorrow. Live your very best life in the today that is immediately in front of you.
Yesterday is gone, you cannot change it.
Tomorrow is unknown, you cannot live it.
Today is yours.
Today is a gift, that’s why it is called “the present.”
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