by Political Moonshine at Political Moonshine’s Newsletter
To understand the complexities of the FTX scandal in one of two epicenters of The Biden Crime Family’s corruption, crime and treason – Ukraine – is actually quite simple at a fundamental level [the other epicenter is China.] Money laundering is a hallmark feature of enterprise fraud operations and if you swill the Moonshine, you know that’s the hub of the wheelhouse; what Moonshine specializes in, and what permitted the full body of exclusive work into COVID-19 [around 350 articles drawing back to early 2020] to thoroughly evidence the first claim that COVID-19 was a construct of enterprise fraud.
What’s COVID-19 have to do with FTX? Everything.
COVID-19 threads through literally everything and it’s beyond the scope of comprehension that Americans have yet to piece it all together for full comprehension. I wish more would swill the ‘Shine because it’s the remedy for what ails us – abject medical tyranny to transition us to global governance and life on the technocratic global plantation as enforced by the CCP’s brand of Marxist communism; and with Anthony Fauci’s and Klaus Schwab’s public statements that China is the model as I’ve long contended and evidenced.
Before getting on with the details, here’s the full slate of articles I’ve written on the FTX/Ukraine scandal, which is tied to an entire mountain of work on Ukraine [in the second article] that draws all of the way back to 2018. To really understand the depth of it all, be sure to read the second article:
- The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine and the FTX Scandal [on Substack]
- The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine, the FTX Scandal, PrivatBank, the National Bank of Ukraine and Ihor Kolomoyskyi [on Substack]
- The Keystone of Corruption: “TRUMPLOSE,” FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried and Ukraine Scandal Envelops Joe Biden, Newly Elected Senate Minority Leader McConnell and Others [on Substack]
- The Keystone of Corruption: FTX & Ukraine Scandal Continues to Unravel Without Appropriate MSM Coverage and for Good Reason – Everybody Goes to Prison [on Substack]
- The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine, the FTX Scandal, Kevin McCarthy Guilty as Charged, Most Dangerous Times are Here [on Substack]
As fully evidenced and not open for alternative discussion, COVID-19 was the enterprise fraud construct that was leveraged to begin the aforementioned transition, which required removing a sitting U.S. President in Donald J. Trump so as to permit achieving that objective, which began with the theft of the 2020 election and then spilled over into the Capitol “insurrection” and Mar-a-Lago entrapment operations. I’ve detailed these operations and the extension thereof in a series entitled The Hunt Is On [on Substack.]
The enterprise fraud construct of COVID-19 is central to FTX in several ways including but not limited to direct Biden ties to Ukraine and U.S. Department of Defense biolabs located there and engaged in biowarfare as tethered to the Bidens through Metabiota. That’s old work.
Another remarkable and direct tie is found in the recapitulation of a Moonshine Telegram post:…
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