by Bernhard at Moon of Alabama
When two experienced economy and finance analysts, who both correctly predicted the derivative crisis of 2008, again warn of an imminent crash one better listens up.
Today Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism writes about the now Inevitable Financial Crisis:
For months, I have been confident that Europe would suffer a financial crisis and a depression, as in a real economy catastrophe accompanied by a market crash. It might not be that severe and lasting as 1929, but the breadth would mean there would not be 1987 quick bounceback nor a 2008 derivatives crisis concentrated at the heart of the banking system. Even though that looked like financial near-death experience, the same factors that made it more acute in many respects also made it easier for the officialdom to identify and shore up the key institutions that took hits below the water line.The short version of what follows is things are looking even worse now, and on multiple fronts.
Below we’ll discuss the rapidly accelerating real economy crisis, which is exacerbated by central bank tightening as pretty much the only line of defense against inflation that is almost entirely the result of a multi-fronted supply shock.1 Needless to say, the Fed raising interest rates (which Bernanke recognized as necessary in 2014 to tame bubbly asset prices but then lost his nerve) does nothing to get more chips from China or magically cure Covid-afflicted staffers so they can show up at work. But it will whack all sorts of speculators and financial firms who have wrong-footed their interest rate positions.And it also seemed apparent that the US would be pulled into the maelstrom, perhaps not as far, but contagion, supply chain dependencies, and the importance of Europe as a customer would assure the US would suffer too.
The second warning comes from ‘Dr. Doom’ Nouriel Roubini:
- There are signs a debt crisis is forming and the economy is headed for a hard landing, Nouriel Roubini says.
- Roubini predicted a deep recession and a 40% fall in the stock market by the end of the year.
- He has warned that a wide range of shocks will have dire effects on global economies.
There are signs that a debt crisis has already started taking shape, and a hard landing of the economy before the end of the year is now the baseline scenario, according to top economist Nouriel Roubini.
Roubini, who has earned the nickname “Dr. Doom” for his pessimistic views on markets and the economy, has warned of a looming debt and inflationary crisis for about a year. Previously, he predicted it would lead to a Frankenstein-style recession by the end of 2022, mixing the worst aspects of 1970s stagflation and the 2008 financial crisis.
And the signs of that financial meltdown are finally emerging, Roubini said, who referred to a hard landing as the baseline scenario in an op-ed for Project Syndicate on Monday.
“Signs of strain in debt markets are mounting … the crisis is here,” Roubini said, referring to recent moves by central bankers to stem market volatility.
Roubini’s Project Syndicate headline is the message: The Stagflationary Debt Crisis Is Here.
His argument which I highlighted is nearly similar to the one Yves makes:…
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