by Harriet Alexander at The Daily Mail
Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Joe Biden of capitulating to Russia, concluding that the president ‘got nothing’ from his meeting in Geneva with Vladimir Putin.
Trump said that, in addition to gaining nothing, Biden had given up the ‘unbelievably valuable’ Nord Stream pipeline.
The U.S. president last month lifted sanctions against the against the company and CEO behind the nearly completed Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which would transport natural gas from Russia to Germany.
The pipeline is already more than 90 per cent complete, and Biden concluded that it was not worth antagonizing Germany over. Others, such as Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, argued that sanctions should be maintained, to avoid giving the impression of giving in to the Kremlin.
‘I guess the overall is we did not get anything,’ said Trump, speaking to Sean Hannity’s Fox News show.
‘We gave a very big stage to Russia, and we got nothing.
‘We gave up something that was unbelievably valuable.
‘I stopped the pipeline, Nord stream, and that pipeline was stopped. And it was given back, and nothing was gotten for it.
‘And it was just, it was another day.’
He added: ‘I think it was a good day for Russia. I don’t see what we got out of it.’
The 75-year-old said that the Nord Stream pipeline particularly irritated him, because Germany was receiving NATO protection and the benefit of 52,000 U.S. troops stationed in their country, yet still wanted to buy their natural gas from Russia.
He said he had ‘stopped it from being built’…
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