by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
On July 4th, a little more than a week ago, the White House made the preposterous claim that holiday food was cheaper than last year. Everyone who buys groceries knew that level of propaganda was unmitigated nonsense and the consumer pricing data released today shows exactly that.
According to the BLS, June prices jumped 0.9%. Every month this year the CPI has been rising faster than the prior month, which essentially means inflation is rising at an ever-increasing rate. Annualized inflation (June 2020 -vs- June 2021) now shows an overall inflation rate of 5.4%.
However, at a 0.9% monthly rate -if the level stabilizes- that means the real inflation rate is 10.8% Yeah, that’s a serious problem.
The BLS data (see table 7) shows that gasoline has doubled in price year-over-year. Unleaded regular gasoline is now 46.4% higher than last year. That level of fuel price increase is crushing the working class and blue collar workforce.
Inflation overall is currently rising three to four times faster than wages. That means real wages are dropping as Americans are paying more for everything, including fast turn consumable products like food and fuel. Again, we repeat… durable good sales will suffer as disposable income shrinks. Additionally, rising housing prices combined with diminishing blue collar wages is an unsustainable trend.
JoeBama economic policies are crushing the middle-class. The multinational corporations, Wall Street and the investment class benefit as Biden policies directly create a U.S. service driven economy {Go Deep}. Under JoeBama, the wage and wealth gap is growing again after three years of Trump policies closing it. Working class wages are dropping, and investment class earnings rise. This is the intentionally created outcome when America-First policies are cancelled.
Overall energy prices have jumped more than 32% year-over-year. This is a direct outcome of Biden policy. Used vehicle prices are up a whopping 45% vs 2020.
The financial media are working overtime to protect Joe Biden from the outcome of policy by deflecting blame to COVID-19, but the issues are far more substantive than their weak justifications. All of this was predictable. After several months of claiming the inflation was transitory or temporary, now the same financial media are shifting the narrative to say we need to just accept long term inflation is the new normal…
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