by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
There are two merging inflection points set to hit the public in a few days.
The first, is a much faster collapse in credibility for those who are pushing the vaccine benefit narrative. The second, the more widespread appearance of shortages for food and basic essentials. These two broad narratives are going to merge. CTH will outline the issues as they predictably surface. This outline focuses on the latter, the supply chain angle.
♦ The cross-border vaccination mandate protests by truckers are continuing in Canada and at areas near the U.S-Canada border. The vaccine mandate for the Canadian side began on January 15th. The mandate for the U.S. truckers begins January 22nd. Both groups are currently slow-rolling the protest in/around the border crossings.
A coordinated Trucker Protest on the Canadian side is scheduled for January 23rd {LINK}, coincidentally the same time as a protest rally in Washington DC by members of the healthcare industry. It is not coincidental that retail executives in the grocery industry are starting to prepare people in Canada for major grocery shortages {LINK}.
CANADA – “[…] “Independent grocers are in a myriad of communities in this country where there is no other grocery store,” Sands said. “If those stores close, you’ve got a food security issue.”
Meanwhile, stores are also experiencing a shortage of goods stemming from supply chain issues, including a shortage of truckers, packaging and processing delays and the Canadian winter.
Grocers rely on “just in time” delivery, meaning even transient issues like inclement weather can cause delays and shortages, Retail Council of Canada spokesperson Michelle Wasylyshen said.” (read more)
At the same time the Canadian media start to pick up the downstream consequence discussion – a shortage of products with Canadian retailers – the U.S. side of the equation begins to warn about price increases. This is all connected, yet few in corporate media will elevate high enough to see just how damaging the overall vaccine mandate is in this critical sector that touches everyone’s lives.
The crisis is NOT driven by COVID-19,…
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