by Stephen Moore at New York Post
Wake up, America. That ticking sound you’re hearing is the American debt time bomb that with each passing day is getting precariously close to detonating and crashing the US economy.
Businesses, consumers and especially the federal and state governments have become hooked on red ink as if it were crack cocaine. Two factors have fueled this borrowing binge: an era of low interest rates (that’s coming to an end) and falling real wages thanks to the 15% rise in prices of Bidenflation.
Let’s review the borrowing up-escalator that accelerated during COVID but hasn’t subsided.
The King Kong of borrowing is Uncle Sam. The national debt is $31 trillion when including Social Security’s and Medicare’s unfunded liabilities. That’s getting close to 150% of our national gross domestic product of $22 trillion. Some $5 trillion has been added in just the past three years. Balancing the budget seems like a pipe dream these days.
Next add state and local government debt and unfunded liabilities. The American Legislative Exchange Council estimates that at just under $6 trillion.
Now what about American households?
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