by Darren Beattie at Revolver.News
The Deep State just sent a declaration of war to American Patriots. This time, at least, they at least had the courtesy to all sign it.
Dear Members of Congress,
We are former senior national security, military, and elected officials who have represented or served Democrats, Republicans, or administrations of both parties. We write to encourage this Congress to establish an independent and bipartisan national commission to investigate the January 6th assault of the U.S. Capitol Complex and its direct causes, and to make recommendations to prevent future assaults and strengthen the resilience of our democratic institutions.
We also write to you with great urgency in light of what we collectively see as an exigent and growing threat. The events of January 6th exposed severe vulnerabilities in the nation’s preparedness for preventing and responding to domestic terrorist attacks. The immediate security failings that permitted a lethal breach of the Capitol Complex by armed extremists raise serious questions and demand immediate solutions.
But January 6th was also the result of complex national security threats. These include coordinated disinformation campaigns, nontransparent financing of extremist networks, potential foreign influences, and white supremacist violent extremism, which the Department of Homeland Security identified in an October 2020 report as among “the most persistent and lethal threat[s] in the Homeland.” As FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to you recently, “January 6th was not an isolated event. The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it’s not going away anytime soon.” Understanding how these forces culminated in an attack on the infrastructure of our democracy is critical to preventing future attacks.
In the wake of September 11th, the administration and Congress jointly acknowledged that the attack’s causes were complex and that an independent and well-equipped national commission was an essential tool to aid the federal government. Congressional inquiries, law enforcement activities, and a national commission not only worked in parallel, but critically complemented each other’s necessary work. An independent commission should not supplant the ongoing work by the legislative and executive branches, but it can uniquely support them by providing comprehensive and expert recommendations for Congress to act upon.
Commissions — properly empowered, resourced, and led — can establish a full picture of events and an analysis of their causes, from which nonpartisan recommendations can authoritatively flow. With dedicated time, resources, and expert staffing, they can also exclusively focus on the matter at hand over an appropriate time horizon. Given the gravity of January 6th as a national security matter — the violent disruption to the transition of power and the continuing threat of future attacks — a national commission examining the lead up to the January 6th assault, and the attendant security lapses, is not only appropriate, but a critical component of the national response.
A failure to deploy the full suite of tools available to fully understand January 6th and address its causes will leave the Capitol, and the nation, vulnerable to future attacks. In bipartisan fashion, we have successfully marshaled these tools before, and we implore you to do so once again. [Former Nat. Sec., Military, & Elected Officials]
January 6 was not a case of “domestic terrorism.” There were no “armed extremists” executing a “lethal breach” of the Capitol Complex. Only one individual has been charged with illegally bringing a gun into the Capitol. The only shots fired at the Capitol on January 6th were fired by a Capitol policeman who shot unarmed civilian Ashli Babbitt through the neck. There was no planned assault. January 6 absolutely was an isolated event. The Capitol riot was the product of bad police crowd control rather than a concerted plan to attack anyone or anything.
It’s all obvious from the wording of the letter, and all so predictable.
The Deep State will want to fight the so-called “nontransparent funding of extremist networks” with new financial laws to end anonymous political donations and dox those providing support to causes unpopular inside the Beltway.
The wording of the letter isn’t unprecedented. The Deep State apparatchiks who authored the letter liberally employ rhetorical stunts that are typically used to stoke wars and color revolutions around the globe. What’s changed is that now, instead of targeting regimes that stand against the Globalist American Empire, their rhetoric targets domestic enemies instead.
What we are witnessing, in effect, is a foreign counterintelligence operation turned inward and aimed directly at the American people. “Counterintelligence” concerns insider threats to the operational integrity of US military-intelligence organizations and missions. As originally designed, American counter-intelligence is meant to prevent the American security apparatus from being infiltrated by hostile foreign actors.
What we are seeing now, however, is something quite different — a deliberate effort to cleanse our entire security apparatus of patriots — perhaps as preparation for a full scale effort to cleanse the entire country of American patriots, or anyone, for that matter, who objects to the open air prison that the Globalist American Empire has become.
Traditional counter-intelligence techniques, strategies, and mindsets are being re-purposed domestically, in order to cleanse the entire U.S. national security apparatus, including the DOD, of latent political sympathies.
Today, the top target of this Counter-American Intelligence operation is President Trump’s MAGA movement.
Adding insult to injury, the U.S. national security state’s pretext for launching this operation was itself based on the wild-eyed conspiracy theory that thousands of Trump supporters in military and law enforcement are training in state-sanctioned violence by day, then secretly moonlighting as vigilante militiamen plotting government overthrow by night. They’re forming networks, the theory goes, and now it’s the nation’s top national security threat. [Revolver News]
At least twelve of the signatories of this obscene and atrocious letter held senior positions at the Department of Defense. Thirteen are veterans of the CIA. Twenty-three were ambassadors. More than two dozen were members of Congress. The list of more than 100 names is a (sometimes literal) murderer’s row of the American ruling class from 1990 through the present; the class of dilettantes, mediocrities, incompetents, and frauds who squandered America’s superpower status, bankrupted the middle class with wars and bank bailouts, and led this country to the brink of ruin.
The events of January 6th provided them with a fig leaf they needed to excuse their war on Trump and the America First movement. Without January 6th, they’d have found or fabricated some other excuse to say the exact same thing.
James Clapper committed open perjury before the Senate Intelligence Committee. When asked directly whether the NSA collected bulk data from ordinary Americans, Clapper categorically said they did not. Mere months later, whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed Clapper’s lie. While Clapper should have been arrested and sent to prison, he was instead left untouched, and rewarded with a CNN job after leaving the White House.
Besides literally writing the book on such revolutions, McFaul spent years trying to foment a “democratic breakthrough” here in the U.S. Not always the brightest bulb, McFaul was shockingly blunt about what he was trying to do. In September 2020, he tweeted (and then deleted) the following:
Now, having executed his color revolution in America, McFaul wants an ideological crackdown to make sure the new regime cannot ever be challenged, externally or internally.
As CIA Director, Michael Hayden built his reputation telling one lie after another to bolster the U.S. intelligence apparatus while threatening its critics.
In 2017, Hayden reacted to President Trump’s allegation of wiretapping by saying it “couldn’t happen” since that would be illegal.
How quaint! In fact, after the 9/11 attacks, Hayden himself spearheaded a program to spy on Americans’ phone calls without running it by a single court.
Hayden “joked” about putting Edward Snowden on a targeted assassination list. He bragged that stealing the emails of foreign political parties is “what we do.” A 2014 Senate report on the CIA’s torture program concludes with more than three dozen pages of appendix breaking down all the lies Hayden told to the Senate Intelligence Committee. In the words of the Columbia Journalism Review:
Hayden has a long history of making misleading and outright false statements, and by the estimation of many lawyers, likely committed countless felonies during the Bush administration. It is something of a wonder that someone responsible for so many reprehensible acts is now considered a totally above-the-fray, honest commentator on all issues intelligence. [CJR]
Alexander Vindman is the Ukraine-born defense official who decided that he…
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