The only disinformation being spewed regarding the massive burgeoning Biden scandal is coming from the Left. That is the typical dishonest political hacks and their scribes in corporate media.
The information shared to date is one-hundred percent factually sourced. The owner of the computer repair shop has confirmed how Hunter Biden’s laptop along with two other devices came into his possession. Hunter Biden’s signature is on the repair order. Hunter Biden’s hard drive was given first to the FBI in December 2019 and then to Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s lawyer, in September 2020.
Since the initial New York Post story broke less than a week ago, the Left, Facebook, Twitter, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC have featured Obama-Harris-Biden surrogates to muddy the mud a bit more by claiming the Biden pay-to-play story is Russian disinformation. It’s not. The Left has apparently run out of any new ideas to blame this growing mess on so they are falling back on what they tried from 2016 to now and failed miserably at, blame RUSSIA. RUSSIA. RUSSIA!…
Well the Dir. of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe squashed the Left’s latest disinformation campaign like the pesky gnat that it is…