by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Last weekend, U.S secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Poland was in preparations to send their MIG fighter planes to Ukraine, and the U.S. would be replacing them. It was a stunning statement considering that Poland is a NATO ally, and Russia would certainly see this effort as increasing direct confrontation. However, a few hours later Poland issued a statement essentially refuting the claims by Secretary Blinken and saying they had no intent to send fighter jets into Ukraine. Essentially the government of Poland called Blinken a liar.
In a stunning exhibition of poor diplomacy, with very serious consequences, the State Department did not retract the weekend claims by Blinken. Instead, they doubled down saying that Poland was going to send fighter planes into Ukraine, which means NATO would be entering the conflict, which means U.S. forces would soon join the battle. Drawing the U.S. into the war looks like the intent of Blinken’s effort.
However, in a statement today, again highlighting they have no intent to trigger World War III (despite the best efforts of the U.S), Poland is calling Blinken’s bluff {SOURCE}. I screen captured it, because I do not want anyone to miss the direct framework of the Polish position:…
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