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Any following Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine leads one to ask ‘Why would Ukraine — a small country with a population of 30 or so million people with little to no military infrastructure — ever believe they could win any entanglement against a super power like Russia?
If one is being honest with themselves the answer is a resolute – it can’t nor never could win against such a power.
So, the next question is why would the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, not sit down and negotiate a peace settlement with Russia after losing an estimated 500,000 Ukrainian lives not mention the hundreds of thousands wounded?
Some point the finger at Biden, others at Britain while others suggest it’s NATO who are discouraging such talks. No matter who it is stymying any shot at peace the question still remains, why?
Money? Sure, that’s a given. Same with power.
Maybe what Alexander Rubinstein reported at The GRAYZONE back in September, 2022 in an article titled “Zelensky and NATO Plan to Transform Post-War Ukraine into a ‘Big Israel’” may very well be the real reason why. Rubenstein wrote –
Just forty days after Russia’s military campaign began inside Ukraine, Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky told reporters that in the future, his country would be like “a big Israel.” The following day, one of Israel’s top promoters in the Democratic Party published an op-ed in NATO’s official think tank exploring how that could be executed.
Zelensky made his prediction while speaking to reporters on April 5, rejecting the idea that Kiev would remain neutral in future conflicts between NATO, the European Union, and Russia. According to Zelensky, his country would never be like Switzerland (which coincidentally abandoned its Napoleon-era tradition of nonalignment by sanctioning Russia in response to its February invasion).
“We cannot talk about ‘Switzerland of the future,’” the president informed reporters. “But we will definitely become a ‘big Israel’ with its own face.”
For those wondering what a “big Israel” would actually look like, Zelensky quickly elaborated on his disturbing prophecy.
“We will not be surprised that we will have representatives of the Armed Forces or the National Guard in all institutions, supermarkets, cinemas — there will be people with weapons,” Ukraine’s president said, predicting a bleak existence for his citizens. “I am sure that our security issue will be number one in the next ten years.”
Read that last paragraph again. Does this very idea disturb you? Even a little bit?
Juxtapose that idea of this dark Ukrainian future to just one of the BRICs guiding principles – respecting all nations sovereignty. Who is a leader of BRICS – Russia.
Ukraine envisions a militarized police state as its future while Russia is working towards building respect for a nations sovereignty. Talk about polar opposites. Moreover, why would any in the West propose much less support such a dystopian future for the Ukrainian people? And why is any nation funding this insanity?
Max Blumenthal, one of the owners of the GRAYZONE, spoke before the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity in early September. Blumenthal elaborated on this ‘big Israel’ concept the knuckleheads in think tanks, State Department, National Security Council, NATO and a plethora of European NGOs and governments are proposing for Ukraine and its future.
This is a short talk packed with a great deal of insight by a team of national security investigative reporters. It is a must watch so as to begin to at least try to answer the question – WHY?
One can’t help but wonder after listening to Blumenthal’s talk and reading Rubenstein’s piece if this is what the great minds of the West mean when they say their will be no peace agreement but rather another long war.
I don’t know about you, but if I were Volodymyr Zelensky I’d tell all of the West ‘thanks but no thanks’ and negotiate a settlement immediately with the guy who is building a global organization that at its core boasts respect for a nation’s sovereignty…
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