by Helen Tansey at the T-Room.us
Candace Owens is an exceptionally gifted lady. Trust me. The Dear Lord gave her a noggin to think for herself and to always trust her own instincts. She’s listened. Moreover, she’s a great digger, meaning when she’s suspicious about anything or anybody she has learned to do her own digging to unearth the truth whatever that may be. She also has the talent of communicating to a wider audience ‘just the fact’s ma’am.’
You may recall a couple of week’s back when Janet Jackson came out and said unequivocally Kamala Harris was “Not Black.‘ Jackson’s publicist tried to walk back her declaration but Jackson was having none of that and restated Kamala Harris is not a black woman.
In walks Candace Owens who is fiercely protective of the Jackson family.
Because the left pummeled Jackson’s declaration ‘Kamala is not black’ being the Jackson’s fierce defender, Owens went to work. And oh has she dug and dug.
What she is learning and sharing with her viewers is nothing short of STUNNING!
Kamala Harris’s lack of truthfulness with the public about who her family is is beginning to dove tale with the communist regimes that pepper North America – Cuba, Venezuela to name a few.
She’s not black. Full Stop. Period. Just as Janet Jackson proclaimed weeks ago. Rather she’s Indian and British colony Jamaican with lots of Irish blood running through her veins. Harris’s family farmed sugar cane on large plantations using slave labor in Jamaica as Owens details.
Her mom was certainly from India but it’s her dad’s side of the family Owens is digging into. What she is unearthing about who this woman is who call’s herself Kamala Harris is not what any of us have been told. No. She’s a gal whose lineage on the Jamaican side of her family were wealthy slave owners and so much more.
Mind boggling, honestly, because Kamala’s story mirrors in a very serendipitous kind of way similarities to Barack Obama’s faux nativity story. His ancestors too were slave owners out of the British colony we know as Kenya.
Below are just a few videos of Owens reporting we highly recommend you watch. Owens has been unearthing details of Kamala’s nativity for weeks now. Thus, we are only offering a snippet of her shows while strongly, strongly, strongly encouraging you to view them all.
No one, and I mean no one, like’s being lied too. Well, you and me have been lied too. Sadly.
Today, there is no excuse to not be informed and armed with the facts. That only happens if YOU do your own due diligence. We encourage you to listen and learn the extremely important information Owens is imparting here.
There are a few other videos that lead up to the one’s posted above. Consider this a sampling. If you wish to watch more click HERE