by Matthew Boyle at Breitbart
The top U.S. House committee charged with tax law and oversight has launched a formal investigation into the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and its affiliated foundation, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.
House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) on Monday morning demanded answers from the president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and from the president of the affiliated U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation to in-depth questions about donations the Chamber’s foundation received from the Tides Foundation based on an exclusive report from Breitbart News earlier this year.
“Tax-exempt organizations like the Chamber of Commerce have operated without sufficient oversight for far too long,” Smith, the author of the letter to both entities and chairman of the powerful tax committee, told Breitbart News exclusively. “The Chamber — which claims to stand for the interests of Main Street job creators — must explain why it received millions of dollars in donations from an organization whose stated mission is to undermine small businesses in the United States. We have a duty to the American taxpayer to demand transparency and ensure tax-exempt organizations are operating in pursuit of the stated purpose for which they were organized under the tax code.”
05.06.2024 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Letter v4[2] by Breitbart News on Scribd
For whatever it’s worth, it’s not like Smith is some radically right-wing Republican who the Chamber of Commerce despises or something. Just a few months ago, he negotiated a bipartisan tax reform deal with Senate Finance Chairman Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) that the Chamber of Commerce wholeheartedly publicly endorsed in a glowing January statement saying it “applauds” Smith and Wyden for their work.
The three-page Monday morning letter from Smith to…
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