by Alicia Powe at The Gateway Pundit
When the police started shooting people in the face and throwing flash grenades at the unarmed crowd, everything changed on January 6.
The government opened fire escalating the protest. Only one side was armed using deadly force: The police.
The crowd became livid as they watched cops shooting deadly rubber bullets, tear gas, and flash bangs or “sting balls” at civilians, often aimed at their heads.
Anyone who wants to get to the bottom of January 6 must focus on the key moment: The precise time the typical protest escalated into “the most investigated demonstration in FBI history,” defense attorney Steven Metcalf told TGP.
“This is crucial — this is crucial — because this is where what everybody is saying” about J6 being a set-up and a fedsurrection “actually matters. But nobody is pinpointing the precise time,” he said. “Everyone is saying, ‘There’s FBI agents in the crowd,’ ‘There’s CHSs in the crowd.’ There’s blah blah blah — I’ll tell you exactly where shit went crazy.”
“It went crazy at that precise time when the protesters,…
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