by Gina Florio at SOTT News
We need to ask why we’re being lied to
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been the number one topic of discussion in the news over the last week. We have been flooded with images and videos of what’s allegedly happening in Ukraine.
As the days go on, though, we have learned that most of the footage that has been going viral isn’t actually from the current Russia invasion. Many of the photos and videos that you’re seeing are from years ago and actually have nothing to do with what’s happening today in Ukraine. That’s not to say that there is nothing happening in Ukraine — we know there is war and a Russian invasion — but the fact that we are being lied to on a large scale by mainstream media should raise some serious questions.
Many Ukraine Photos and Videos Are From Footage That Was Gathered Years Ago
There are a few viral pictures and videos that have people seriously questioning the narrative. Perhaps the most popular one is the viral video of a Ukrainian father bidding his daughter and wife goodbye as they get on a bus to seemingly make their way to safety. The whole internet blew up at the footage, responding with charged emotion.
Unfortunately, it seems as though this footage is untruthfully shared. Several sites have said that this viral clip was actually filmed prior to Russia invading Ukraine in February; it was instead filmed when people were evacuating from Donbass. This young girl was actually being sent to Russia to seek refuge.
There was another clip of a fighter pilot that was supposedly blowing up a Russian aircraft over the capital of Ukraine. The claim was that this jet shot down a Su-35 Russian fighter aircraft to protect their home territory of Kyiv.
Well, it turns out that this video was from a video game. A video game, people.
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