by Robert W Malone MD, MS at Who is Robert Malone
The mission creep of the United Nations has gotten way out of control. As just one of many examples, the UN mission to unilaterally encourage global migration has resulted in multiple avoidable political crises. It is past time to de-fund and re-organize the United Nations. In the case of the US Congress under the current executive, in the immediate future this can be accomplished through use of specific restrictions on how appropriations can be used, much as is commonly done with internal budgeting. Looking forward to a new executive administration, this should be coupled with diplomatic efforts to build an international coalition of nations which will support a major defunding and restructuring effort.
The current UN structure and charter has outlived its usefulness, and has been coopted to advance globalist, utilitarian, socialist and malthusian political objectives. This is not what the UN was created for, and efforts to create a globalist, one-world government structure by cooptation of the United Nations to serve this agenda can only be stopped by systemically reorganizing and downsizing the organization.
As just one of many examples of UN mission creep, the United Nations, through its International Organization for Migration (IOM), has launched its Global Annual Appeal for 2024. The UN wants USD 7.9 billion to “support its operations and help create a system that realizes migration’s promise as a force for good throughout the world”. Another case of a carefully crafted mission statement which obfuscates the actual intent and purpose of an initiative by using misleading feel-good wording.
The UN says it will use the money for three purposes:…
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