by Erik Carlson at Badlands Media
As is probably the case with most everyone reading this, I was excited to see which Executive Orders and policy changes President Trump would make on his first day back in office.
Which destructive Biden policies would Trump reverse and how quickly would he reverse them? Which Biden-reversed-policies Trump made in 2017 would Trump get back in place? As we’ve seen, he’s made a lot of changes, and he’s still making a lot of changes, maybe even exceeding our expectations in regard to pace, effectiveness and breadth, including some things we hadn’t even considered.
Many of the doubters have been shut up. Those who feared, believed or propagandized that Trump wouldn’t follow through on the things he promised he’d do have slowly backed into the bush to disappear like the Homer Simpson meme. Their voices aren’t as loud as they once were. Their audience is no longer listening to them. They’ll have to find or create something else to fear or propagandize others to fear. It’s becoming extremely difficult to come up with anything to complain about anymore, to use in criticizing Trump and his allies. Any criticism now is just nitpicking. But the black pilled, the controlled opposition, the Neocons, RINOs and Liberals won’t give up. The sincere doubters are broken, stuck in a rut of negativity, and the insincere are corrupt and fighting for their existence.
When I think of executive orders that I was excited about,…
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