by Paul Craig Roberts at Institute for Political Economy
This is not a conspiracy theory. It is the most likely explanation we have of the information at this time.
The Hamas October 7 attack on Israel was the opening gun of a plot devised by US neoconservatives and Netanyahu to renew the US attack on Hezbollah’s suppliers in behalf of Greater Israel. Greater Israel is a Zionist belief that Israel comprises the territory from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq. The purpose of 9/11 was to launch under the guise of a “war on terror” the wars that the American neoconservatives had called for in their publications and that General Wesley Clark told us about against Israel’s enemies in the Middle East. The purpose of Washington’s “war on terror” was to destroy Hezbollah’s suppliers–Iraq, Syria and Iran. Israel and the neoconservatives want these three countries destroyed because they supply Hezbollah with money and weapons that permits Hezbollah to successfully repeal Israel’s attempts to occupy southern Lebanon. Israel needs the water resources in southern Lebanon. With the Iraq, Syrian, and Iranian regimes destroyed, avenues are opened to Greater Israel.
In other words, there was never a “war on terror.” There was a war devised by US neocons against Israel’s opponents. And that is precisely what the war on Hamas is about.
It is impossible to breach the Israeli security barrier without setting off alarms. The plot called for the barrier to be stood down. What most likely happened is this: Israeli agents who have infiltrated Hamas were instructed to sell Hamas on the attack by promising the ability to disable the barrier and surprise the Israelis. Netanyahu and the neocons sacrificed Israeli lives for the outrage about Israeli deaths, rapes, and Israeli babies with cut off heads. This would gain Israel support for destroying the remnants of Palestine and incorporating all of Palestine into Israel, thus ending any prospect of a two-stare solution and simultaneously settling Netanyahu’s legal and political problems by making him a hero who consolidated Palestine under Israel.
But the plot has wider aims,…
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