by Political Moonshine at Political Moonshine’s Newsletter
THE HUNT IS ON is a branded series of articles chronicling an exclusive and intensive examination of the precise schematics that are being used to level a spectrum of multifaceted warfare against the American people by its own federal apparatus. Currently, it’s General Joe Biden that is leading this war and his declared enemies are his regime’s political opposition: Republicans, conservatives, MAGA and anyone not caring to live under the CCP’s brand of Marxist communism.
The federal apparatus is best summarized by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, the institution of Federalism, the Military Industrial Complex and the substantial hammers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency. The mainstream media as the propaganda arm of the federal apparatus also factors in and heavily so.
This spectrum of multifaceted warfare is our focus today and it contains something I’ve written about extensively but haven’t revisited in some time. New developments in the hunt cause us to take another look at it: the U.S. Counterinsurgency Guide, January 2009.
Does the publication date of January 2009 catch your eye? It should.
I published two articles that revisited and recapitulated existing work into the Counterinsurgency Guide back in early June 2021:
- Revisiting Obama’s Application of U.S. Counterinsurgency Doctrine and the COVID-19 Blueprint to Overthrow America
- Revisiting Obama’s Application of U.S. Counterinsurgency Doctrine: A Closer Look at the Guide
Recall that I’ve published scores of articles detailing some of the most hyperbolic assertions to be found anywhere and the window-licking, Kool-Aid drinking crowd that is too ignorant to realize that “conspiracy theory” is a fabricated term borne out of the Kennedy assassination in 1963 to marginalize and control truth tellers who were off-reservation, have, do and will continue to brand it all “conspiracy theory.” Those oblivious people who sadly exist as functional idiots are destined to live the remainder of their lives on the technocratic global plantation that is being constructed at this very moment. Unfortunately, that segment of the population is significant enough to drag the rest of us along with them.
The Kennedy assassination is our bridge to the present because the “conspiracy theory” that a rogue CIA executed as sitting U.S. president is no longer conspiracy. It’s factual. That must be accepted on its face.
Rehashing more old analysis that is delineated in the Moonshine fact set [menu item at the top of the page], George H.W. Bush, whose father Prescott Bush funded the Nazis during World War II, was a covert operator in the Kennedy Assassination. GHWB then later entered the CIA formally and ascended to its directorship and then the vice presidency under President Ronald Reagan eventually creating the primary portal for a rogue intelligence community and Military Industrial Complex to interface directly with the Executive on a regular 1:1 basis. GHWB would go on to become the 41st president serving one term.
The old analysis places GHWB at the head of the snake making him the central node to the current political continuum that is conspiring with Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, China and other hostile foreign countries and entities to undo this country from this inside-out. I branded this continuum Dynastic Bush.
Dynastic Bush has resulted in a string of sitting U.S. presidents that have been installed…
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