by Emily Mangiaracina at LifeSite News
A physician and survivor of sex abuse inflicted through the CIA program MK-Ultra has launched an initiative to fight sex trafficking by equipping communities to recognize where it occurs and providing the legal tools to combat it.
Dr. Juliette Engel, a former assistant professor of radiology who specialized in prenatal ultrasound, has told how she was born into a family of U.S. intelligence operatives who were “instrumental” in the transfer of hundreds of Nazi scientists to the U.S. under Project Paperclip. In 1955, at age six, she was sold by her parents to a fledgling MK-Ultra project, “an illegal program of mind control and experimentation signed into existence by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in 1953,” as Dr. Engel explained. The project built upon the experiments from the Nazis imported to the U.S. in Project Paperclip.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor, who is involved in Dr. Engel’s anti-child trafficking initiative, has pointed out that a congressional investigation in 1975 “led to revelations that at least 80 American universities, colleges, hospitals,” along with private contractors engaged in MK-Ultra “subprojects involving mind control experimentation including forced administration of mind-altering drugs (particularly LSD), hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, sexual abuse, and torture.”
It was in this horrific program, in which trauma and drugs are used to induce dissociation and amnesia, that Dr. Engel was subjected to government-sponsored child abuse, including sex abuse. It would come to inform her understanding of the government’s involvement in child sex trafficking as a whole.
Learn the signs of child trafficking…
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