by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
On the eve of DNI nominee Tulsi Gabbard’s full senate confirmation vote, President Trump announces his Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB), which will be chaired by the former head of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, former Gang of Eight member and current CEO of Truth Social, Devin Nunes.
WHITE HOUSE – Today, President Donald J. Trump is pleased to announce a distinguished and trusted group of Patriots to serve on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB). These individuals will advise the President on our nation’s most important security challenges and ensure that the Intelligence Community is working to advance the President’s America First agenda. The President’s PIAB appointees represent a broad range of experience and intellect that will help restore integrity to our Intelligence Community. The following individuals have been appointed to the PIAB:
Devin Gerald Nunes, Chair
Scott Glabe
Amaryllis Fox Kennedy
Brad Robert Wenstrup
Wayne Berman
Reince Priebus
Robert O’Brien
Joshua Lobel
Sander R. Gerber
Katie Miller
Jeremy Katz
Thomas Ollis Hicks, Jr
♦ Scott Glabe was previously a DHS senior official performing the duties of Under Secretary for Strategy, Policy, and Plans (PLCY). He was also Staff Director of the U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, under Chairman Devin Nunes.
♦ Amaryllis Fox Kennedy was a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, and campaign manager for her father-in-law Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s 2024 presidential campaign. Married to RFK Jr II, and friend of Tucker Carlson.
♦ Brad Wenstrup is a former congressman from Ohio who served as chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. He left congress last year.
♦ Wayne Berman is an American businessman and former lobbyist. He now works for Stephen Schwarzman as the senior managing director for government relations at the Blackstone Group. He manages political and legislative risk for the firm and supports its portfolio companies, overseeing a global team of political risk specialists. Blackstone has $1.1 trillion in assets under management. Schwarzman is a big republican donor who supported Ron DeSantis before acquiescing to Trump.
♦ Reince Priebus was the former RNC Chairman, former Chief of Staff to President Trump in the first term (’17), and president and chief strategist for the government affairs group at Michael Best & Friedrich, his former law firm in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as well as a political analyst for CBS News.
♦ Robert O’Brien was former National Security Advisor to President Trump from 2019 to 2021. Earlier in the administration he was presidential envoy for hostage affairs. He is the co-founder and chairman of American Global Strategies LLC, a consulting firm that advises on foreign policy and national security issues.
♦ Joshua Lobel is Founder of Archer Capital Management LP. Rabbi Joshua Adam Lobel currently occupies the position of Chairman of Red Cell DRM Acquisition Corp. and Chairman of Focus Roq Holdings LLC. He is also Founding Partner of Red Cell Partners LLC and on the board of 7 other companies.
♦ Sander R Gerber served as a member of the Senior Advisory Group to the Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats) from 2017-2019. Formerly, he was the Vice Chairman of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and Chairman of its Investment Committee. Gerber is Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Hudson Bay Capital Management LP. A long-time advocate for Israel and the Jewish people. In 2017, the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) awarded Mr. Gerber its Henry M. Jackson Distinguished Service Award for championing the Taylor Force Act, a bipartisan bill that cuts US funding to the Palestinian Authority.
♦ Katie Miller is Stephen Miller’s wife.
♦ Jeremy Katz was deputy director of President Trump’s National Economic Council (NEC) in the first term. Katz also served in the Administration of President George W. Bush, including as Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce and Special Assistant to the President for Policy in the Chief of Staff’s office. Jeremy Katz is the President and Chief Operating Officer of D1 Capital Partners and currently serves on the board of the George W Bush Center.
♦ Thomas Hicks Jr. is an American private equity investor living in Dallas, Texas. He is a former co-chair of the Republican National Committee.
• Forward Face – The PIAB is an independent body within the Executive Office of the President tasked with providing the President with objective, expert advice on the effectiveness of the Intelligence Community. The board evaluates the quality, scope, and coordination of intelligence activities and ensures that intelligence efforts are aligned with national security priorities.
• Quiet Part – Everyone supports the American surveillance state, FISA-702 and the use of AI technology for targeted enhancements and national security.
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