by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Pentagon Spokesperson John Kirby held a press briefing today (full video below) to underscore the U.S. military does not support the sending of any NATO planes into Ukraine. “The intelligence community has assessed that the transfer of MiG-29s to Ukraine may be mistaken as escalatory and could result in significant Russian reaction that might increase the prospects of a military escalation with NATO,” Kirby said. “Therefore, we also assess that the transfer of MiG-29s to Ukraine to be high risk,” he continued.
Now ask yourself this question:
How could the transfer of MiG-29’s evolve from a “green light” position by the U.S. State Department Sunday, into a “high risk” assessment by the Pentagon today?
This is the question that no U.S. media will touch, because the answer is almost too jaw-dropping to contemplate. However, this answer must be outlined in order to fully grasp what took place.
The events of the past 96 hours, on this issue, are perhaps the most critical moments in modern U.S. history, that must be fully understood to fathom what has just happened and what dangers exist from within the current White House administration.
When we were discussing the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco, we noted two competing factions within the U.S. national security apparatus. One group is the Pentagon, the other is a completely rogue operation coming from the State Department. In the Afghanistan example, the issues surfaced within the blame casting for the crisis upon exit. In this current example, things are far more serious.
Last weekend, the US Department of State, Secretary Anthony Blinken, made the unilateral claim that Poland -a NATO ally- was approved by the State Department to send fighter jets into Ukraine. Blinken was located in Moldova when he made the statement to three U.S. media outlets. Poland was caught completely off guard by Blinken’s statements, and only learned about them from the media reporting.
Hours later, western media, desperately pushing the pro-Ukraine defense position, began asking the Polish government for details of what Secretary Blinken had stated. The Sunday afternoon reply from Poland was to call these media reports “fake news,” further stating they had no intention of sending their MiG-29 fighter jets into Ukraine territory.
It became stunningly clear that Secretary Blinken had never discussed the issue with Poland before making his statement. Obviously, given the nature of the statement from the Pentagon yesterday and affirmed again today by spokesperson John Kirby, Secretary Blinken also did not discuss his position on the transfer of Polish (NATO) jets with the Pentagon.
Now pause for a moment and accept what is evident. The US Secretary of State, seeking to leverage the public pressure of a global community aligned in favorability toward the Ukrainian people, unilaterally made a national security policy decision that would trigger an escalated NATO conflict with Russia.
The U.S. State Department was willing, intentionally and willfully willing, to set up a scenario that would draw the United States into war with Russia, and Secretary Blinken intended to trigger this “escalation” by pushing Poland into a corner of compliance – without ever discussing it with them.
By the time Blinken traveled to Poland (Monday), he was greeted and told the transfer of fighter jets he proposed and advocated for publicly was not something the Polish government would ever contemplate.
Now pause and put yourself in the position of Poland for a moment.
Obviously, this would be a ‘what the f**k‘ moment for them.
Poland was facing the three-headed Cerberus. In front of them is one head where they are reliant upon the U.S. for military assistance as part of their alignment within NATO. Yet, there is another head where Poland is not going to want to be the mechanism that starts a war. And the final head is the risk of Russia attacking them if Poland was to acquiesce to the unilateral Blinken proposal, which has been framed by Blinken as the position of Poland – which it never was.
Poland said no to Blinken
and then shut up. Apparently expecting that Blinken would clean up this mess, and simultaneously providing him the diplomatic opportunity to do so. However, by that time, allied government and western media were in a ‘save Ukraine’ frenzy.
Suddenly there are international leaders…
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