The T-Room typically does not welcome ads but I’m making an exception for my pals over at Who knows, there may be that special person on your Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever gift list who’d love to receive such a gift or maybe you might like to treat yourself. Do me the favor and check their T-Shirts and flags out…
2nd Amendment T-Shirts
You’re not a “gun nut.” You are a firearms enthusiast, who understands that tyranny can only fester under a government which has successfully converted citizens into its subjects. You appreciate that a 9mm pistol and a 5.56 rifle can do nothing against howitzers and drones – but you’re also well aware that somewhere, someone is giving orders to those howitzers and drones – and you can get at them. After all, a police state can only exist when people live in constant fear of having their doors kicked down during the dead of night. A police state cannot exist when jackbooted thugs are too afraid to start indiscriminately kicking down doors.
Let’s be honest: A lot of people will hate you the instant they see you wearing a 2A T-shirt. Fortunately, those people are spineless twerps who would no sooner confront you in public than they would tell their wives’ boyfriends to please keep it down. They can post mean things about you on Twitter and imagine you are whichever couch pillow they like punching each night, but the lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.
Pro-gun T-shirts make ideal apparel for all social occasions. Going to a job interview at a Silicon Valley tech firm? Slap on a “Come and Take It” shirt and the Seven Sisters college alumna conducting the interview is certain to take note. Going on a first date? Wear a 9mm shirt and she (or he, if you are gay or a woman – unless you are a gay woman, in which case she) will be so enamored by your outstanding style that they’ll be talking about baby names before the appetizers make it to your table. Going to the gun range? We guess you could wear one of our shirts there, too!
Are these T-shirts comfortable, high-quality and American-made? You bet your sweet bippy they are. Nine out of ten people we asked said that our T-shirts remarkably improved their lives, and the tenth couldn’t hear us because they suffered permanent hearing damage as the result of not wearing appropriate safety equipment at the range.
But what if you don’t own any guns? Can you still wear one of our T-shirts? Yes. “Come and take it” may seem like an empty expression of defiance if you haven’t actually got anything for anyone to come and take, but we fully support the act of people paying us money and welcome it under all circumstances. Many of our customers recently lost their entire gun collections during freak boating accidents, as a matter of fact, yet they still want awesome gun apparel. We applaud their indomitable spirits! believes in our customers’ absolute privacy. We refuse to provide their information to the CIA, FBI, ATF, NSA, KFC, HBO or NBA under any circumstances. And for every T-shirt you buy from us, we will donate $1 to our receptionist Becky’s birthday party fund. We’re getting her a lemon cream cake this year because that is her favorite…
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