Below is footage of a couple of small business owners whose entire livelihoods as well as those who were employed by them gone due to an angry mob who proclaims Black Lives Matter. Apparently, only their Black Lives Matter and to hell with anybody and everybody else.
“I just don’t understand why something like this would happen”
A deeply disturbed business owner tells me
As he observes the damage to his legacy
“Our society is just really disappointing”
They destroyed everything he had
A dozen used cars & his offices
Heart breaking
— ELIJAH RIOT (@ElijahSchaffer) August 25, 2020
Here’s another business owner whose entire business of 40 years was burned to the ground. And for what? It’s a heartbreaker to watch:
“It’s emotionally hurtful, but we didn’t do anything to anybody. Why did we deserve it?”
Near tears, a store owner explains how his family business of 40 years was destroyed by #BLM & Antifa arsonists last night
The city is hurting this morning #KenoshaRiot
— ELIJAH RIOT (@ElijahSchaffer) August 25, 2020
And @VenturaReport is uploading footage of the devastation to Kenosha’s small business district. He shows the total destruction of the gentleman’s business (see above) as well as others. Check his work out on Twitter:
The office furniture store behind me was burned down by a huge mob lastnight in #Kenosha . Multiple structure fires on the same street, store employees can be seen sweeping and cleaning up broken glass . #Wisconsin
— Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) August 25, 2020