by Kari Donovan at Frontline America
This is what is headed our way
WATCH (Prompted):
WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, the House Committee on Homeland Security, led by Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN), held a hearing to examine the various financial costs of the historic national security and humanitarian crisis at the Southwest border. This hearing launched the fourth phase of the Committee’s oversight investigation into Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ handling of the border crisis and the policies that sparked it. Jonathan Lines, county supervisor for Yuma County, Arizona; Joseph Borelli, minority leader of the New York City Council; and Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, policy director at the American Immigration Council, provided witness testimony. Watch the full hearing here.
The testimony of Mr. Lines and Mr. Borelli, whose communities have been deeply impacted by the unprecedented flood of illegal aliens across the Southwest border under Secretary Mayorkas’ policies, confirmed that those open-border policies have burdened the American people with an overwhelming cost. As this crisis continues, border communities are dealing with emergency resources being stretched thin, from hospitals to 911 call centers, as they provide care to illegal aliens in addition to the citizens of their communities. Communities have had to deal with an influx of new school-aged children, many of whom require special attention due to limited proficiency in English or other needs. Federal, state, and local law enforcement officers have had to spend increasingly scarce resources on dealing with the consequences of illegal immigration in their communities. America’s farmers and ranchers have also been forced to bear the cost of incalculable damage caused by illegal aliens trespassing on their property. Border wall materials that were bought and paid for by Congress have been left lying in the desert by this administration, another massive waste of tax dollars.
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