by Jeremy Kuzmarov at CovertAction Magazine
Once upon a time, in a faraway land that was very rich because of its oil wells, a bad king kept his people in poverty and subjected women to sexual and domestic abuse. But after many years of oppression, a charismatic young officer overthrew the bad king in a bloodless revolution that lasted less than two hours and in which nobody died.
Even the bad king was allowed to live out his life in a luxurious villa, surrounded by family and servants, until he died peacefully of old age many years later, at age 93.
The dashing young officer quickly abolished the monarchy and established a People’s Congress. He threw open the royal treasury and distributed its riches to the people, so that they prospered. A free home was guaranteed to every citizen, and college education was also free. So was medical care—and if the country’s own doctors couldn’t cure your illness, the government paid the cost of sending you to a country where they could.
Happy were the people, but happiest of all were the women. The new government not only liberated them from sexual and domestic abuse; it also granted them full and equal rights with men, and they won more than half the seats in the People’s Congress.
The above may sound like a fairy tale, but it actually happened.
In 1969, 27-year-old Colonel Muammar Gaddafi overthrew the Libyan monarch,…
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