by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
They are rubbing it in our faces now. As CTH warned yesterday, this is not hypocrisy – this is the United States Government, Department of Homeland Security, initiating an enhanced and intentional effort to antagonize lawful American people into a place of extreme anger. This is not hypocrisy.
The Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) is now announcing enhanced travel restrictions for law-abiding Americans, blocking non-essential travel into Mexico and Canada. Simultaneous to this the same, ironically named, Homeland Security is facilitating a mass influx of illegal entry into the United States
Stay aware and evaluate this for what it is. This is an intentional effort to provoke American citizens. This is Alinsky methods deployed at a federal and institutional level.
Often we see people ask, ‘Why are they so openly admitting to their wrongdoing and still carrying it out’? Within the answer I have written frequently, ‘They simply do not care’. It is not a sense of boundless hypocrisy that drives the far-left to showcase their disconnect. The disconnect is not cognitive dissonance. The disconnect is purposefully part of the ideological advancement of their goal.
The leftists, the “elites” writ large, are so open in their proclamations of being beyond reach – because they want us to view their power as all encompassing. They act as rulers and dictators without accountability because that puts the victim, We The People, automatically in a demoralized subservient role…
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