by Carmine Sabia at Conservative Brief
The Federal Bureau Of Investigations raised some eyebrows this week when it made a decision many believe it would have never made if Donald Trump was still in the White House.
The department’s official Twitter account announced that it had raised the LGBTQ pride flag at its headquarters, but that is not all.
The raising of the pride flag on the headquarters of a building that is supposed to be about the business of justice was enough to aggravate many, but what aggravated some even more was the fact that there was no American flag in the photo.
Now, we assume that there is an American flag raised on the building somewhere, but the fact that is was not present in the photo rankled many feathers on Twitter.
“Today, the #FBI raised the #pride flag at our headquarters in support of our #LGBTQ colleagues. We thank them for their contributions to the FBI and the country. #PrideMonth,” the FBI said…