by Jordan Schachtel
FBI intelligence bulletins warning of a massive, unprecedented armed “pro-Trump” uprising in all 50 states never came close to fruition. The big day of promised chaos came and went without incident. The National Guard was ready. Law enforcement was ready. The media was ready, but hardly anyone showed up. How could the FBI get this so wrong?
According to “FBI bulletins” that were selectively leaked to the media over the course of the last week, Sunday was supposed to be the big day, rife with chaos and destruction committed by enraged MAGA armies.
Sunday was supposed to be the day we would witness hordes of pro-Trump groups storming state capitols.
Instead, state capitals were occupied by lots of media, National Guardsmen, a bolstered law enforcement presence, but virtually zero pro-Trump protesters. In a handful of states, 5 or 6 members of the anti-Trump Boogaloo movement showed up, along with some far-left groups like Antifa and BLM, but there was no pro-Trump presence to be found. Not a single violent clash related to these protests was reported in the media all day long.
Here’s a sample of the headlines making the rounds today:
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