by Revolver News Staff at Revolver News
The good colonel continues to give a very interesting perspective on Ukraine.
Some show notes from Telegram:
Continue Reading…Once you move above the tactical level and you move up to what we would call division or core levels you find NATO staffs are actually running the show, in other words people from France, Great Britain, the United States, other countries are doing this
the systematic planning and setting forth proposals for what should happen next.…The problem is for every one Russian killed or wounded, you have five, six, or seven Ukrainians being killed or wounded. So for the Russians, they’ve economized, they’ve run a fairly cheap, inexpensive, defense while the Ukrainians have run very expensive
offenses. So now Ukraine is in a very serious ,crisis it may not survive, particularly when this major offensive begins in November, December time frame . And the ground is frozen I don’t know what the Ukrainians will do because then they will face the regular Russian army, large numbers of Russian army troops, not just volunteers and allied units, but the Russian army, and it will have the operational freedom to do what many Russians wanted to do at the beginning, which is anything that we suspect is dangerous or threatening to us can be targeted and destroyed. It’ll be a very different war that’s coming.…Where will the Russians stop? I suspect they’ll stop at the Dneipro river, they’ve never been interested in crossing that. They don’t want to go into what is historically Ukraine, which is west of the river, that’s where the Ukrainians live, they’re not Russified, they are real Ukrainians. He doesn’t want to go over there, but he’s going to take Odessa, he’s going to take Kharkov, these cities will be taken once and for all as a result of these offenses.
…As far as the Russians are concerned, Odessa has always been a Russian city, it was never part of Ukraine. The same thing is true for
Kharkov. These were Russian cities from the very beginning and they were Russian speaking….”