by Rob Crilly at The Daily Mail
The Biden administration was warned by U.S. intelligence agencies that Afghan forces could crumble ‘within days’ after foreign troops left, according to a former CIA counter-terrorism chief who also advised the president’s campaign.
But in an interview released on Thursday morning, President Biden claimed that he was never told that such a rapid collapse was possible.
And a day earlier, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he never saw any intelligence warning that the Afghan government could fall in 11 days.
Their claims were disputed in a detailed account describing the state of understanding at the CIA written by Douglas London, the agency’s former counter-terrorism chief for south and south-west Asia, offered a very different assessment.
He said the rapid collapse was one of a number of possible scenarios.
‘Ultimately, it was assessed, Afghan forces might capitulate under the circumstances we witnessed, in projections highlighted to Trump officials and future Biden officials alike,’ he wrote on the Just Security website…
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